Fill in the blanks with suitable articles with answers

Looking for an engaging activity? Fill in the blanks with suitable articles and test your grammar skills! This interactive exercise challenges you to select the correct articles (a, an, or the) for each sentence. Sharpen your language proficiency as you navigate through various contexts, from picturesque sunsets and vibrant art exhibits to serene parks and adorable puppies. With this engaging paragraph, you’ll enhance your article usage, build confidence, and unlock the power of precise language expression. Challenge yourself now and see how well you can master the art of choosing the right article!

Fill in the appropriate articles (a, an, or the):

I saw ………………. amazing sunset yesterday. As I was driving along ………………. coastal road, I noticed vibrant colors painting ………………. sky. It was truly ………………. breathtaking sight ………………. sun was slowly sinking below ………………. horizon, casting ………………. warm glow over ………………. ocean. I pulled over to capture ………………. moment on my camera. The beauty of ………………. sunset reminded me of ………………. peacefulness and serenity that nature can bring. It was ………………. unforgettable experience.

Answer :

I saw an amazing sunset yesterday. As I was driving along the coastal road, I noticed vibrant colors painting the sky. It was truly a breathtaking sight. The sun was slowly sinking below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the ocean. I pulled over to capture the moment on my camera. The beauty of the sunset reminded me of the peacefulness and serenity that nature can bring. It was an unforgettable experience.

Article : 2

I visited ………………. zoo yesterday and saw ………………. lions, ………………. elephants, and ………………. giraffe. It was ………………. exciting experience to be so close to such majestic creatures. I also came across ………………. interesting monkey exhibit and ………………. colorful bird sanctuary. At lunchtime, I had ………………. delicious sandwich from ………………. cafĂ© inside ………………. zoo. Overall, it was ………………. enjoyable day spent observing ………………. diverse range of animals. I can’t wait to visit ………………. zoo again in the future.


  1. the
  2. the
  3. a
  4. an
  5. an
  6. an
  7. a
  8. the
  9. an
  10. the
  11. a
  12. the

Article : 3

I decided to take ………………. walk in ………………. park near my house. As I strolled along ………………. winding path, I noticed ………………. colorful flowers in bloom and ………………. chirping birds in trees. Suddenly, I spotted ………………. squirrel scurrying up ………………. tree trunk. It was ………………. adorable sight. I sat down on ………………. bench to enjoy ………………. peaceful atmosphere and took out ………………. book to read. I spent ………………. relaxing afternoon surrounded by ………………. beauty of nature. It was ………………. perfect escape from ………………. hustle and bustle of everyday life.


  1. a
  2. the
  3. the
  4. the
  5. a
  6. the
  7. a
  8. the
  9. the
  10. a
  11. the
  12. the
  13. the
  14. the
  15. a

Article : 4

I recently adopted ………………. adorable puppy from ………………. animal shelter. It was love at first sight when I saw ………………. little furball wagging ………………. tail in ………………. kennel. I named her Bella and she has quickly become ………………. integral part of my life. Bella loves going for walks in ………………. park and playing fetch with ………………. tennis ball. She is ………………. energetic and playful companion. I have enrolled her in ………………. obedience training class to help her become ………………. well-behaved dog. Bella brings so much joy and happiness into my home. She is ………………. absolute delight!


  1. an
  2. the
  3. a
  4. her
  5. the
  6. a
  7. the
  8. the
  9. an
  10. a
  11. an
  12. a
  13. a
  14. an
  15. an

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